The game of Hedbanz can be modified to fit any lesson. Great for children, youth and adults. 

hedbanz church style, lds lesson helps, lds teaching tips, lds youth sunday school, primary, gospel doctrine



Hedbanz is a favorite game at our house. I’ve also been able to tweak it and use it in my lessons at church or in Family Home Evenings as an attention getter to introduce the lesson’s topic. 

Do NOT think that this is for primary age kids only – I have used this successfully with adults in Gospel Doctrine as well.

The object of the game is to guess what the word or phrase is on each card. If you are using it to introduce the lesson’s topic, use words or phrases that relate to the topic.  


For example, for a lesson on Tithing and Fast Offerings, I wrote down the following 4 words and phrases on separate index cards.

The words were: Scriptures, Temple, Feeding the Poor,  and Missionary Work

*You can write them on index cards, or you can print out each word along with a picture that goes with it, then cut and past it onto an index card. OR You could also print it on cardstock and then cut the cardstock to the size similar to an index card.   

I invited 4 different people to the front of the classroom. They each put a hedbanz on their head. I then placed an index card in each one of their hedbanz without them seeing their own card.


*If you have a hedbanz game at home (like the one pictured on the left), use the blue headbands by slipping an index card into the front of each headband.  If you do not have this game, no worries! You can also have the person just hold the card up to their forehead without looking at it.



Each person then takes a turn asking the audience YES or NO questions to try and figure out what is written on their card. You can have each person go one at a time, each asking questions until they have figured out what is on their card…


To make it a little more competitive, you can also have a timer and give each person 1-minute to ask their YES or NO questions. If in that time they have not guessed correctly what is on their card, the next person then gets a 1-minute turn. Continue on with each person taking 1 minute until someone guesses their card correctly.

When it is timed, it is more of a competition of who can be the first one to guess what is on their card. Even after someone has guessed their card correctly, continue on until everyone has guessed their cards. 

*Be careful when being competitive that no feelings get hurt, as that takes away from the Spirit in the room. If being competitive, be sure it is in the spirit of fun.    

After all of the cards had been guessed correctly, ask the class this question: 

What do all of these words and phrases have in common? 

Then introduce the topic of your lesson. Have fun with it! 


For another fun game that can be added to almost any lesson, try True or False Questions. Learn how by clicking HERE


Yours Truly,




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